Charlotta Öfverholm celebrates the mature dancer in her new expressive piece on trust and how we reappraise the relationship with ourselves gradually as we change. With strong characters and live music she invites both humor and darkness.
We tend to trust the predictable – but how much trust is needed to be unpredictable? A stage performer who has been in the spotlight her whole life is forced to reevaluate the trust to the body’s own ability and to reappraise the relationship to herself. If your self image was built in a cage of stagelight, do you dare to trust that it is still intact when the lights switch off?
Will be performed at Länsteatern Gotland November 5.
In a Cage of Light -Gotlands Länsteater November 5
Charlotta Öfverholm celebrates the mature dancer in her new expressive piece on trust and how we reappraise the relationship with ourselves gradually as we change. With strong characters and live music she invites both humor and darkness.
We tend to trust the predictable – but how much trust is needed to be unpredictable? A stage performer who has been in the spotlight her whole life is forced to reevaluate the trust to the body’s own ability and to reappraise the relationship to herself. If your self image was built in a cage of stagelight, do you dare to trust that it is still intact when the lights switch off?