LUCKY will be performed at ELIXIR festival, Sadlers Wells, London June 16 – 2022
“A technically drilled primal force that gives us hands-on perspective of life” Lucky is longing for happiness, to die young, to live forever, or just in the moment. Dancing and laughing in a tragicomical landscape and letting the audience shine in the spotlight. A one woman show that accepts, questions, celebrates life and what might follow. By and with Charlotta Öfverholm
LUCKY – ELIXIR festival 2022
LUCKY will be performed at ELIXIR festival, Sadlers Wells, London June 16 – 2022
“A technically drilled primal force that gives us hands-on perspective of life” Lucky is longing for happiness, to die young, to live forever, or just in the moment. Dancing and laughing in a tragicomical landscape and letting the audience shine in the spotlight. A one woman show that accepts, questions, celebrates life and what might follow. By and with Charlotta Öfverholm