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Ongoing productions

Age on Stage – In A Cage Of Light

With a language that crosses artistic boarders with fast changes between humour and darkness, dance, text and live music.

Upcoming shows: 

Scenkonstbiennalen, Västerås June 8, 2022

Ulm Moves, Germany June 11, 2022

Checking Out

A recreation of Öfverholms strongly visual stage production “Prosthesis” with 11 mature performers between 40-81 years old.

A surrealistic detective story, placed in a hotel, where the psychological weights and behaviours of the guests and employees, make them all suspected of a crime, which is being investigated by a detective, who actually is searching for the meaning of life.


Christina Molanders Minnesfond

Vår vän och kollega Christina Molander rycktes hastigt bort från oss den 26 augusti 2020. Christina har betytt oerhört mycket för väldigt många i scenkonstbranschen, både i Sverige och internationellt. För att hedra Christina Molanders minne har en stiftelse bildats som årligen kommer att dela ut ett resestipendium till en yrkesperson som verkar i Christinas anda.

Christina Molanders Minnesfond

Vår vän och kollega Christina Molander rycktes hastigt bort från oss den 26 augusti 2020. Christina har betytt oerhört mycket för väldigt många i scenkonstbranschen, både i Sverige och internationellt. För att hedra Christina Molanders minne har en stiftelse bildats som årligen kommer att dela ut ett resestipendium till en yrkesperson som verkar i Christinas anda.


Charlotta Övferholm 

Artistic director / Dancer / Choreographer

Since the start of Compagnie Jus de la Vie 1995, Charlotta has created over 25 productions, which has toured all over Europe, North and South America and Africa. Her work is physical dance theatre with depth, irony, brutality and humor. Since 2015 focusing on creating and promoting performers over 45 in a project called Age on Stage.

Charlotta Övferholm 

Artistic director / Dancer / Choreographer

Since the start of Compagnie Jus de la Vie 1995, Charlotta has created over 25 productions, which has toured all over Europe, North and South America and Africa. Her work is physical dance theatre with depth, irony, brutality and humor. Since 2015 focusing on creating and promoting performers over 45 in a project called Age on Stage.

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Charlotta Överholm
Artistic Director


Izabell Makiela


Tobias Hallgren
Technical director


Anders J Larsson
Film and PR